Seems like we've got a hundred small jobs to do! The weekend involved: skirting board touchups, notch out window for showerscreens, more undercoating, moving some stuff over, moving things around downstairs, buy more paint (and an electric planer, chisel, silicone and so on - Bunnings should do a loyalty card), wipe down walls, wipe down bathroom and start prepping for sealant, bash in some more architraving, put in 'cluboard' light*, clean out cluboard, get free council plants, go shopping for sinks and ovens and stuff so the kitchen cabinetmaker knows sizes for cutouts, buy a new bed, buy a water tank (so we can take advantage of the sale prices and get it for free once we get back the rebates), more weeding and planting here and there. And there's still a bunch of other jobs that need to be done! Ah, but we're closer!!

*cross between linen closet and cupboard
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