Tuesday, May 6, 2008

acne cream and wrinkle filler for walls

Tony and Myles do the plaster setting of the sheets – three layers. Next Myles will sand and then up goes the cornice. Great job guys!


Anonymous said...

the place looks odd with walls. I guess we'll get used to them.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I'm a Howie newbie (well, at least a posting one) and came across your renovation blog. My wife and I are currently completely redesigning our basement so I can relate to your strife and woes regarding the work, etc. Nice job! For us, and to keep friends attuned to what craziness has ensued so far, I make an small InDesign then export it as a PDF for them to see via e-mail. It's not open to the world
but it suits us. Best of luck. It will be a sweet little house when you're done!


kali-hibiscus said...

Thanks Ron! We've certainly bitten off a lot, but we're chewing like crazy!! As my parents live 1000km away and are still on dial-up a blog works well to keep them updated. What are your basement plans?