Garth the Sanding Dude meets me this morning:
"Do you know what you've got here?" he asks incredulously.
"Um, Crow's Ash?" I respond indifferently.
"Exactly! You can't buy this anymore, except second hand, and here you have it in pristine condition. Beautiful. I'm telling you, when you sell the house, take the floor with you!" he passionately responds.
Apparently it's about $18/lineal metre, so I'm told. It's come up beautifully, a honey-golden colour with a lot of grain and variations. I also got the half hour lecture on the care and feeding of timber floors, which scared me! It's great to see someone passionate about their job.
Now, onto the next bits - skirting boards, paint touchups, wardrobe innards, wardrobe and bathroom doors, cleaning the bathroom down, mortaring the loo down, and a host of other minor jobs. Whew!