Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bird watching...

We're getting a regular collection of rainbow lorikeets (two different feeding spots), but we've also got a new ring-in (some kind of rose-ringed or ringneck lorikeet?) and another one I believe is the scaly-breasted lorikeet. Of course, the crested doves continue to clean up after the messy (and noisy) lorikeets!

Farmers Jane & Joe!

A big weekend in the garden (and the house) - we started our vege patch! There's the existing cherry tomatoes, pineapple heads, chilli plants that were transplanted. We also put in zucchini, spring onions, red onions, brown onions, cos lettuce, frilly lettuce, capsicum, broccoli, silverbeet and roma tomatoes (I think that's it?). Boston tried to help us out where he could of course. And we test-drove dad's electric chainsaw as a makeshift hedger!