Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A break in our story...

Just a quick break in our renovation story so show how green the grass is from all the recent rain... and how much the cats are enjoying having their own space to romp around in!

Claude & the Apprentice

Claude came over to plumb in the new sinks, the dishwasher and the laundry, and brought along his bestest apprentice evah... Lucy the Cutie. Certainly not shy! Thanks Claude - you're the bestest plumbah evah!

Lucy helps out

Lil' cutie Lucy decided we were going to dress the tree for Christmas. She's a girl who knows what she wants that's for sure!

[Reece Plumbing t-shirt says "don't risk it, use my daddy"]

Sunday, December 7, 2008


The cabinetry is in! The island works well, the pantry space is great - we haven't put anything in them yet, but so far so good! We need the plumber back to hook up the sink, the dishwasher and the fridge, we need the electrician to hook up the dishwasher and the microwave... where will we find one, hmm?

Yay - yet another step closer! STILL packing things up at the old place, but we're getting there (and Christmas really is coming, yikes!)