Tuesday, August 26, 2008

a little more vanity

Benchtop in, then cut in to suit the basin - yaaaaayyyy!! The guys did a nice job on the piano- hinged lid to the laundry chute. We'll need to clean up the edges of the chute's polypipe, but we can sort that out easily enough. And no... it's not a squat toilet for asian guests, thanks Wayne. Nice ;p

Monday, August 25, 2008


The Tastic is in (industry name for one of those light/heat/exhaust configurations)... fan-tastic you could say? (or not ;p). Yay! Was a bit tricky initially... had to fit in between a mesh of bearers, joists and ferring channels.


Out of 21 downlights, we only made two oopsies! Everything all measured up, but it would have meant the light + teepee was too close to one of the bearers/joists... so reluctantly we had to move it. Ah well... hopefully we can smoothe it all over, and you'd never know the difference!

ceiling space

Amazing how hot the ceiling space is, even in winter! Cables, insulation and our green downlight tee-pee/buckets in place. Still some cleaning up to be done as we go (eg data lines, aerial cable).

more painting

yet more painting - another two coats of enamel on the bathroom door - just one more coat on one side (in theory) and then we can fix it up for hanging

undercoated both sides of the wardrobe doors, puttied up the brad holes , and now they are ready to do the two coats of enamel that I think will be necessary

there'll be touch-up painting still, and the linen closet floor, but that's after everything else major (tiling, floor polishing, electricals) is finalised

Monday, August 18, 2008

lights, camera, action!

Downlights are GO! We put in the 21 downlights throughout the internal rooms (excluding the linen closet, which will be something different - not special, just different). A LOT of work on Drew's side of things - measuring, cutting, drilling, up and down ladders into the ceiling space etc. Hardly any little holes to be plugged up and touched up (my job).

At least we know the insulation is working as the roof space was boiling hot, even in the nice winter days we have. Now they need to be wired up, then the switches and the switches wired up. The buckets are our 0.85c solution to the $18.00 commercial 'teepees' required for downlights where insulation is nearby - a fire safety requirement. Of course we'll test - but we ran it past the experts anyway, who gave it the thumbs up for a good economic solution that works just as well.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

a bit more...

It may not look like much, but that's three coats of paint on the bathroom ceiling that I did. Drew grouted the glass bricks inside and out. I also did two more coats on the bathroom door - that's the one lying on the floor, reflected in the glass. Someone said there's few pics of me in the shots, so here ya go!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

a little vanity is good :)

YAY! the bathroom gets a little more TLC! The beginning of the vanity was installed, after Drew persevered and managed to get my laundry chute idea realised. What a pain to install that was! The cabinetmakers have to go and cut the top to suit the final installation measurements, taking into account the laundry chute opening as well. A little bit closer...

Monday, August 4, 2008

the return of the bathroom!

yay! we have movement again! Adam the Setter came around on the weekend, and finished the setting of the plasterboard and the cornice in the bathroom. Now we can paint it, then there's the vanity yet to come, then the tiling, then the hardware, the door hanging, and general finishing pieces for the bathroom. Closer, closer...

As you can see, we're doing the bathroom door (and other doors facing into the little hallway) a little differently - to let light through and generally lighten up that area. Plus it's a bit out of the norm - privacy still maintained, but not your normal internal doors.